12 November 2005

Massachussetts law dictates that all local rage warehouses are ire proof. (Cambridge, MA)
Blogger mnlop

aww, i remember this building - right down the street from the 'new' part of the mit campus, right? 

Blogger Kaahl

nice to see you made it out to MA 

Blogger Tom

I had trouble discriminating between the new and old parts of the MIT campus. I do, however, remember when the lady at the desk told me how to get to a certain professor's office, and told me to "go down the infinite hallway about three fourths of the way." 

Blogger mnlop

3/4 of infinity is where i like to hang out.

the way you can tell the 'new' buildings is they have a higher number. they number the buildings based on when they are built. #5 is right next to #134. And #2 is half of infinity. 

Blogger ewesa

why do they have to make it so complicated just to prove they are smart. can't they use real building names, like Buffy, and Michael. 

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