Three comics - one was the original, two were re-imaginings using the same image. One is from Karl, one is from me, and one is from John. Which one is which!? (Pasadena, CA and Honolulu, HI)
I am narrowing down my selection and will place my guess shortly. Is the original there, or am I guessing which is from Karl, Tom, and Feed? Or is that part of it...only three and one is the original??
And now the reveal! John made the original, on the bottom. Next, Karl made the top one. Finally, I made the middle one (I consider "beeeoootch" to be analagous to "shoot" or "darn" and thus entirely inoffensive). But making a comic reveals an interesting side of people that you wouldn't always know existed. Thanks for playing!
I can't believe everyone thinks my masterful representation of a guy holding a printed-out e-mail (the original) looks more like a tag sticking out of a hat -- a hat which is either a) non-existent, or, b) has somehow become the poor character's head. I am officially shelving my "mad art skillz" for another 20 years.
I am narrowing down my selection and will place my guess shortly. Is the original there, or am I guessing which is from Karl, Tom, and Feed? Or is that part of it...only three and one is the original??
I am making one guess right now...I think Karl wrote "Biooooootch." I don't think Tom and Feed would write that out...but Karl definitely would.
Yes, you have to guess which is the original, who made it, and who made the two others. FUN!
I was about to spoil it, but instead I will...I almost vomited working out today.
the original is the most political. the one's tom and john did make the least sense, but are funnier. deductive thinking..
john ('oddly' is his kind of word)
karl (but possibly tom)
tom (or possibly karl)
the original: the middle one
everybody so far is wrong, wrong, wrong
My guess is the last one is Karl. That's all I can guess since i don't know the rest. Also I think his is probably the original.
my guesses:
John is a loudmouth, so he is the middle. He is also a talentless hack, so he is definitely not the original.
Tom likes to be inquisitive, and make people read his junk thoughtfully--hence the small text. That is the top one.
Karl is an original, thought leader, best in class, service provider of elite graphics. Clearly his is he bottom one, because he watches cnn all day.
My guess for CNN was Feed because the joke about being square sounds like something I have heard him say before.
The top one couldn't be the original because someone erased part of the circle dude's head in photoshop. Oops.
My guess is the top one's Karl's, the middle one is the original, the bottom one is John's, and Tom didn't submit his.
And now the reveal! John made the original, on the bottom. Next, Karl made the top one. Finally, I made the middle one (I consider "beeeoootch" to be analagous to "shoot" or "darn" and thus entirely inoffensive). But making a comic reveals an interesting side of people that you wouldn't always know existed. Thanks for playing!
I can't believe everyone thinks my masterful representation of a guy holding a printed-out e-mail (the original) looks more like a tag sticking out of a hat -- a hat which is either a) non-existent, or, b) has somehow become the poor character's head. I am officially shelving my "mad art skillz" for another 20 years.
Nooo! Me me me! Classic me! I made it!!! I am having a tough time getting recognized here.