22 February 2008

2008-02-22 014 The Chief is chillaxin. (Boston, MA)

Blogger Dad

Why ARE there so many songs about rainbows? 

Blogger Tom

I presume this is in response to the question below. We did have that 8-track and it was a fun listen, but I'm talking about songs really took me away... 

Blogger Dad

Woops, you're right. It's late. Guess I'll just have to take 5 and think harder. 

Blogger Monique

True story: We're using this new hypothermia protocol at the hospital these days. We froze up a guy who went into cardiac arrest the other day, when the attending physician asked me how he was doing I said "chillaxin."

He wasn't too amused. 

Blogger skim

i model 

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