31 July 2006

Our apartment loft in Cambridge (a former button factory, apparently) consists of all the brick portions on the right and center plus the center-left concrete portions (you get to our apartment by going straight back through the courtyard there). To our great amazement, the portion of brick in the front left of the photo turned out to be the local LDS chapel for the Cambridge family wards, nearly attached to our building. (Cambridge, MA)

- Jenni
Nothing will ever compare to the initial response I had to this photograph. Never.
- ewesa
- jillmaren
sweet furry leopard print coat - it's screams "masculinity"!
- Monique
- mnlop
You guys owe me BIG time for convincing you to go to this hotel. In fact, I think you should pay me. Grab me a leopard print robe on your way out.
- David
This seems a little more royal tenanbaums than mad world, but I like it.
30 July 2006
- Jenni
You spend one minute on the east coast and the next thing you know you are wearing leopard print and tagging buildings.
- jillmaren
- mnlop
ah man, you had me going there, with your breakin' the law charade and all. You ivy leaguers.
- Feed
22 July 2006
- Monique
Shouldn't it be more fitting than ironic?
Oh, oh, I get it. You're just one big softie now. Yes, that IS ironic. - Kaahl
the question is, why are you wearing a coat in the summer? posting old pics again?
- Tom
Perhaps it's ironic that I'm wearing a coat in summer, or that I'm actually postin pics from a very cold April day in Seattle. I know there's irony in here somewhere, I just gotta find it.
- David
this is possibly the toughest picture of all time. I think we need to record an album so this can be the cover.
17 July 2006
- Kaahl
Contrary to the erroneous posting on your blog, this picture is extremely obvious, but still very nice. Good job on posting some cool stuff.
- Kaahl
Much better than picture of a white-trash backyard with a greasy kid playing frisbee.
- Tom
Ah, but what if the frisbee in the hands of the greasy kid in the white-trash backyard says "Wellesley College?" You didn't expect it, you didn't. And Emily's husband is going to break you for calling their yard that.
- Natalie
Ooh...will you be sure to take some pictures of Emily's husband breaking him? I'll make the popcorn.
- Monique
So the offense is against the backyard?
I want to give Karl a Chicago-style beating for calling A-dawg a greasy kid! - Brittany
14 July 2006
- Kaahl
- Jenni
Kaahl,you missed that it's awesome... Tom would say unexpected.
- Monique
- Kaahl
correction, my name is k. victor--prep for when trusts are named after me.
- Tom
Sorry Karl, I forgot to say "this is only for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear."
- Kaahl
Well, then, I say aye to seeing something a bit more moving next post. Move me, tom, move me.
- Feed
11 July 2006
- Natalie
I didn't know the tree of life was supposed to look like a metallic pygmy palm tree. How good to know.
- Monique
This says to me. . .
Either get sealed or listen to really hip music and you too can gain eternal life! - Monique
Wait, I'm sorry, is the bride straddling the groom?
That's just wrong. - Tom
They were actually side-by-side, but you could only tell if you looked closely.
08 July 2006
- jillmaren
I have a friend from Centerville who might debate you on that Taco Time issue...she loves the place.
- Monique
06 July 2006
- Andrew
Yeah, I'd like to know which Skabelund they're attached to -- hopefully you said hello to them for me. I haven't seen Travis or Shelby in ages; glad to see at least one of their respective broods is still alive.
- Firefighter/Paramedic
Yes - can anyone offer some further information on the possible Skabelund children? And 10 bonus points for spelling Skabelund correctly.
05 July 2006
- Kaahl
- Monique
- Jenni
I'm only responsible for the mud and not the leg hair. I already edited mine out.
- Tom
Yeah my leg bothers me in this pic too, but it would mess up the photo to be cropped, and take too much time to photoshop into a tree, so I guess it is what it is. Sorry men are less attractive than women.
This place is awesome. So, no guest room, huh?
i thought i was going to get a place
I think buttons make a building better.
it looks cool, and funny about the church on the corner.