24 September 2007
22 September 2007
- Jenni
- mnlop
- Feed
Had I known you were consorting with ninjas -- pirate ninjas, thanks emily -- I might have deigned to co-consort.
- Dad
14 September 2007

Internet is finally on in our new apartment, so here are some pictures (web gallery here). Finally, a home where I have very little risk of hitting my head on the ceiling. (Cambridge, MA)

- Jenni
I see the the miniature line of Phatty Lowboys has made it into your new abode.
- mnlop
Whoa, look at all that wall space. You guys need some art in here. Too bad you're 2,000 miles away. Now, I normally wouldn't suggest this, but perhaps a couple of IKEA prints might do the trick?
- ewesa
your ceiling looks like it's rigged to do something. does it do anything? nice space btw, definite upgrade. I see you two have sort of made friends with the light.
- Tom
The lighting (both natural and artificial) do a very good job on the walls so that we don't absolutely *need* art on them. Actually, do any of you sisters have high-resolution photographs/scans of artwork that we can use to make large format prints?
- mnlop
If you want some of my images, just go to my website and pick some you want, email me the titles, and I'll be happy to email over the high-res images (however, we use a 10 year old digital camera, so I think they're only like 2 megapixels, if that).
- Dad
Is it OK to think about frolicking if you don't think about going outside?
- mom
Are your desks in the living room now? It's strange to see them unadorned with work stuff.
- Tom
No, we're keeping our main computers at desks in our rooms now. That's our dining table, though oddly configured.
Babies instinctively know what to do with a nose and a tie.
[that would be Tom's and John's mom] Congratulations Jeremy and Sara! When and if you leave Pasadena we'll obviously miss having you around but you'd be off to bigger and better things so I guess it's okay. Eliza's got super powers of concentration (displayed at church) --- she'll be doing some graduating of her own waaaay too soon!
Tom, it's obvious that you didn't take this photo because you do not go outside in this type of lighting. We missed you. Jeremy, Sara and Easy E