19 April 2008
- ewesa
I hear some re-enactors are strict and only have what was available in war days, and some are less strict and have gatorade in their ammo chests.
18 April 2008
It was hard to choose only one of these night photos of Boston across the river; my hand is so freakin steady, I got like a hundred perfectly clear handheld 1-second exposures. (Boston, MA, er Cambridge, MA looking at Boston, MA)

13 April 2008
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10 April 2008
- super advanced
If it weren't for the bright lights and crowds of people Feed could be a male model.
Entao, outras pessoas aqui falam portuges. Muito Bem. What is it with Brits and wigs? Perhaps law is war...
I was also here on the same day as you.