26 December 2008
25 December 2008
24 December 2008

22 December 2008
- Joe and Joanne
LOL. Tom, I love your photos. Keep them coming! I don't think I knew you during your style faux-pas years - you have always looked sharp. I'm sure your nephew (?) will follow suit. :)
21 December 2008
20 December 2008
- Katie
- Dad
Friscalating does heat things up good and proper. The word is related to frispalatur, the Icelandic root from which we get the word spa. 'Fris' refers to the lava that is spewed just beneath the surface of the sea at several spots on the rocky southeast coast, especially in winter.
-Dad - Brittany
16 December 2008
- mom
- Dad
Brilliant young independent film maker stuns the industry with an intensely insightful allegory of dark energy's transmogrifying influence on perceptions of space and time.
Teleportation is shown to be operable via the compression of local time, co-terminus with the selective distortion of n-space. Under this new paradigm, here/now and there/then can no longer be treated as different places and times, but must be apprehended tangentially as quasi-linked states of a seamless universal polyvolume.
This breakthrough has been incorporated in a mind bending new game, "Where Else IS Waldo."
[note: The movie's only other and preceding frame, frame two, was not here now, but may be viewed there then. Note also that sequence is non-essential]
Puzzle? That's what we missed this year. BTW- Is that a swan?
Well, John and I each got a puzzle for Christmas so we'll have plenty of those around. I was just thinking this year how funky the swan is.
when are we going to play four-person chess?
Tom's mom: thanks for your comment on my blog. It's interesting to know that the clayton roots are in scandinavia as well. That's my mom's side. My dad's side is only four generations out as well. My sister is moving to oslo soon, so i will probably scoot over there and pay her a visit.
Tom's mom's sons: word on the street is you are maybe down here sometime? i also ran into some boston peeps you know, katherine something or the other--6'10" and blonde.